About Us

Hi! My name is Annie and I'm woman and mom behind this online baby and kids boutique.  You may know me as Annie Mai Thai from Stylish Petite.
This has been my dream for the longest time and I am so excited to embark on this new journey.  I have two daughters, Milan who is 4 years old and Meadow Ivy is 3 months old.  These girls are my inspiration and continue to be my WHY.
This online shop is not just a place to buy cute kids clothes.  This brand represents so much more to me.  
It represents hope. Perseverance. Strength. Faith. Believing in yourself. Empowerment.
2019 was one of the worst and yet the best year of my life.  I have never been more empowered than I am today. I know so may women who have walked in my shoes or currently going through some obstacles and I want you to know that I see you and you are not alone.
I hope you are able to find your little ones some clothes and accessories to help brighten your day.  I'm honored that you choose to be here and support my small business.
Annie, Milan and Meadow Ivy
"When one door closes, a window will open." - Alexander Graham Bell